February 1, 2021
Happy Anniversary to the Best Accidental Headline in Christian Newspaper History
February 1, 2021
Vaccine-Destroying Pharmacist Thinks the Sky Was Made to Stop Us from Seeing God
January 31, 2021
The History of the Satanic Panic and Its Disturbing Consequences
January 31, 2021
Christian Radio Host Falsely Claims COVID Variants Are “Less Deadly”
January 31, 2021
A KY Catholic School Shoved Hundreds of Non-Essential People on the Vaccine List
January 30, 2021
Podcast Ep. 359: A Christian School Expelled a Girl with a Same-Sex Crush
January 30, 2021
Preacher: God Anointed Trump, Therefore Biden is an “Illegal Counterfeit”
January 30, 2021
Creationist Thanks Atheists for Constantly Showing People How Dumb He Is
January 30, 2021
QAnon Advocate Admits “There’s No Evidence for that Plan Ever Materializing”
January 30, 2021
Australian Satanists Want to Offer Religious Instruction in Public Schools
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