February 5, 2021
Democrats Reject GOP Attempt to Say Pledge of Allegiance at Judiciary Meetings
February 4, 2021
The Aberdeen (MD) City Council Is Illegally Promoting Christianity at Meetings
February 4, 2021
Christian “Prophetess”: A Talking Scroll in Heaven Says Trump is Still President
February 4, 2021
Scott Lively: Kamala Harris Reminds Me of the Whore of Babylon and Jezebel
February 4, 2021
Preacher Andrew Wommack: I Prayed Away the Mildew in My Home
February 4, 2021
Rick Warren Apologizes After His Church Releases a Racist Sunday School Video
February 4, 2021
The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches
February 4, 2021
AR Senate Passes Bill to Let Churches Hold Super-Spreader Events in a Pandemic
February 3, 2021
Please Support the Work I Do Through This Site
February 3, 2021
E.W. Jackson: Gay and Transgender People Will Never Get Into Heaven
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