February 13, 2021
TN GOP Bill Would Give Fathers (Including Rapists) Veto Power Over Abortions
February 12, 2021
Everything Wrong With Genesis 47 in the Bible
February 12, 2021
“In Science We Trust” Billboard in Wisconsin Features Darwin with a Face Mask
February 12, 2021
Ignorant Reporter: Why Won’t the Left-Wing Media Condemn Biden’s Catholicism?!
February 12, 2021
Damning Report Shows How Ravi Zacharias Committed Spiritual and Sexual Abuse
February 11, 2021
Missouri Lawmakers Consider Bill to Regulate Abuse-Heavy Christians Schools
February 11, 2021
Dave Ramsey: If Stimulus Checks Help You, You Were “Pretty Much Screwed Already”
February 11, 2021
North Dakota Republicans Want the Ten Commandments to Go Up in Public Schools
February 11, 2021
A New Arkansas Law Lets Churches Hold Super-Spreader Events in a Pandemic
February 11, 2021
27% of White Evangelicals Think QAnon is Real
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