February 25, 2021
Congressman Defends Equality Act in Stirring Speech, Condemning Christian Bigots
February 25, 2021
Christian “Prophet”: The Military Will Soon Reinstate Trump as President
February 25, 2021
Pastor: When I Was Bullied as a Kid, I Prayed, and My Bully Ended Up in Crutches
February 25, 2021
“Prophetess”: I’ve Time-Traveled and the Media Will Soon Say Trump is President
February 25, 2021
Congresswoman QAnon Uses God to Justify Her Anti-Trans Bigotry
February 25, 2021
Texas Bishop Blames Atheism for Every “Ill That Plagues Our Society”
February 24, 2021
Canadian Atheist Group: Churches Breaking COVID Rules Must Lose Tax-Exempt Status
February 24, 2021
Southern Baptists Can’t Escape Politics When Their Bigotry Influences Policy
February 24, 2021
It’s Not Enough for Progressive Evangelicals to Denounce Christian Nationalism
February 24, 2021
Hate-Pastor: “If You Believe the Bible,” Then You’ll Reject a Biden Presidency
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