March 10, 2021
Disgraced Bigot Milo Yiannopoulos: I’m “Ex-Gay,” “Sodomy Free,” and Catholic
March 9, 2021
Anti-Science New Age “Influencers” Bizarrely Think Trump is a “Lightworker”
March 9, 2021
Unlikely Allies Celebrate Supreme Court’s Ruling on College Free Speech Case
March 9, 2021
Christian Death Cult Pastor: “Never Again Will the Church Shut Its Doors”
March 9, 2021
Christian Boss-from-Hell Dave Ramsey Thinks Mask Mandates Are Discriminatory
March 9, 2021
After Wrongly Predicting Trump’s Second Term, a “Prophet” is Ending His Ministry
March 9, 2021
Christian Nationalist Preacher: “There is No Christian Nationalism in America”
March 8, 2021
A Texas Newspaper Published an Essay Saying Humans and Dinosaurs Lived Together
March 8, 2021
E.W. Jackson: God, Please Let Biden Fail By Making His Team “Devour One Another”
March 8, 2021
MAGA Cultist Pastor: The COVID Relief Bill Is Trump’s “Blessing to America”
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