Terry Firma, though born and Journalism-school-educated in Europe, has lived in the U.S. for the past 20-odd years. Stateside, his feature articles have been published in the New York Times, Reason, Rolling Stone, Playboy, and Wired. Terry was the founder and Main Mischief Maker of Moral Compass, a now-dormant site that pokes fun at the delusional claim by people of faith that a belief in God equips them with superior moral standards. He was the Editor-in-Chief of two Manhattan-based magazines until he decided to give up commercial publishing for professional photography... with a lot of blogging on the side. These days, he lives in an old seaside farmhouse in Maine with his wife, three kids, and two big dogs.
A dentist and former lay preacher in Northern Ireland who killed his wife and his lover’s husband, and made it look like a double suicide, has been back in the news following the recent TV series The Secret that is based on the case. “Colin Howell killed his wife Lesley (née Clarke) and the husband of his lover, Trevor Buchanan…, in what appeared to be a suicide pact between two lovers. The bodies were found in a fume-filled car in Castlerock on May 19, 1991. Howell, a native of Portadown and a dentist by occupation, was a deeply religious father of ten and a former lay preacher.” His criminal career wasn’t over yet. Between 1998 and 2008, Howell sedated at least five women in the dentist’s chair of his surgery, sexually abusing them after they slipped into unconsciousness. Read more