A GOP Congresswoman Wanted to Know People’s Favorite Bible Verses. It Backfired. May 17, 2021

A GOP Congresswoman Wanted to Know People’s Favorite Bible Verses. It Backfired.

Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, a professional conspiracy theorist who gets away with it by spouting Christian catchphrases, decided to ask people on Twitter for their favorite Bible verses.

It didn’t work. Because unlike her, people online are well-aware of the more problematic parts of the Holy Book.

Did she think there were only positive passages in the book…?

Even if she knew people might suggest verses she didn’t like, the question itself makes you wonder why she needs to ask. It’s not like Boebert gives a damn what the Bible says when her actions regularly go against the teachings of Jesus. It’s just performative. It’s a signal to gullible evangelicals that she’s one of them. She has to tweet things like this because otherwise she’d only be known for her obsessions with weapons and her conspiracy theories. It’s too bad some people fall for it.

(Thanks to Brian for the link)

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