Christian Evangelist: President Joe Biden “Doesn’t Exist” February 18, 2021

Christian Evangelist: President Joe Biden “Doesn’t Exist”

Televangelist Robin Bullock, who said last November that the COVID crisis could be blamed on people who voted for Hillary Clinton, is going even crazier on his political ideas.

He said this week that not only is Donald Trump still president, President Joe Biden “doesn’t exist.”

People say, “Well, we need to pray for the president.” Yes. Donald Trump. Pray for him.

People say, “We need to pray for the president.” You can pray for the office of the president. You can pray for a man named Joe Biden. But you cannot pray for a President Joe Biden because there’s no such man. He doesn’t exist. And he knows he don’t exist. And Brother Steve, his handlers know he don’t exist. They all know he’s not real. They know this.

It’s one thing to live in a bubble outside of reality. It’s another to assume everyone else acknowledges it.

I never expect much from an evangelist but it’s the height of irony for someone who believes fiction is reality to tell the rest of us that reality is fiction.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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