GOP Candidate Calls Into Question Kamala Harris’ Blackness in Bigoted Tweets August 14, 2020

GOP Candidate Calls Into Question Kamala Harris’ Blackness in Bigoted Tweets

Within hours of Joe Biden announcing Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, many right-wing commentators began questioning her very legitimacy as a candidate — not because of her politics but simply because of what she looks like and where she came from. (America. She came from America.)

The bigotry was especially awful — albeit predictable — from Angela Stanton-King, the Republican vying for the late Rep. John Lewis‘ seat in Georgia. (She was pardoned by Trump for her role in a car-theft ring.)

Her M.O.? Calling into question how “Black” Harris really is.

Who knew marrying a white man or having an Indian mother made you insufficiently Black…? This tweet points out the blatant hypocrisy at work here:

Right Wing Watch offers more background on who Stanton-King is… as if we don’t know enough already.

Like her mentor, religious-right activist Alveda King, Stanton-King is vehemently anti-choice. She has repeatedly smeared the LGBTQ movement as a threat to children. And she has been identified by Media Matters for America and the New York Times as among dozens of supporters of dangerous QAnon conspiracy theories running for Congress this year. In July, Stanton-King got a visibility boost in the form of a softball interview on One America News Network, the Trump administration’s favored propaganda outlet.

The only silver lining here is that, given the makeup of Lewis’ district, she’s not likely to win her race in November.

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