A Christian Band Co-Opted the Site of George Floyd’s Murder to Win Converts June 15, 2020

A Christian Band Co-Opted the Site of George Floyd’s Murder to Win Converts

Bethel Music — a worship ministry affiliated with California’s Bethel Church in Redding, which made headlines for praying for the resurrection of a dead toddler a few months ago — hosted an outdoor music festival of sorts on Saturday.

That by itself wouldn’t be a problem beyond the corona risks, per se… except singer Sean Feucht and his band decided to play at the scene of George Floyd‘s murder, turning a place where people were gathering to honor Floyd’s life into a captive audience for their Christian preaching.

We know that Floyd was a Christian. But he wasn’t a member of this church and there’s no reason to think this is what he or his family wanted. It’s not like the band was invited to be there.

There’s something very self-serving about hosting altar calls (and presumably offers of membership to Bethel Church) at a site that’s central to current protests. Given Bethel Church’s history of only focusing on Black lives when they don’t exist, it’s even more damning and selfish.

Many Twitter users called out the group for poor judgment:

As for Feucht, who recently ran in and lost a primary as a Republican challenger to Democratic Rep. John Garamendi, he’s still making this all about himself, oblivious to the larger reasons for the protests.

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