Atheist Group’s Full-Page NYT Ad: “We Need Reason, Not Prayer” to Fight COVID-19 May 7, 2020

Atheist Group’s Full-Page NYT Ad: “We Need Reason, Not Prayer” to Fight COVID-19

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is running this full-page ad in today’s New York Times — not coincidentally on the National Day of Prayer — saying “We need reason, not prayer, to combat the coronavirus.”

“Science works,” FFRF asserts in the ad: “We’re all in this together — that’s why we need actions based on science, evidence and compassion, not prayer or ‘alternate facts.’” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is quoted as saying, “Our behavior has stopped the spread of the virus. God did not stop the spread of the virus. And what we do now, how we act, will dictate how the virus spreads.

The ad concludes, “Our work to uphold the constitutional principle of separation between religion and government has never been more essential.”

The ad was paid for by a pool of donations specifically for this purpose.

It shouldn’t take a full-page ad to remind people — especially government officials — to respect science in the midst of a pandemic, but what else do you expect when the Christian Right takes over the government? It’s not like anyone should expect common sense or competency. Churches are currently allowed to ignore lockdown rules in some states, and Christians are suing governors elsewhere, while the Republican Party’s attempts to limit the spread of the virus are hampered because efforts are run by a slew of people who know nothing about epidemiology, who don’t want to listen to scientists if it could hurt their own political prospects, and who care more about the “economy” than people’s lives.

More people are dying because irrational conservative Christians are in control of the government.

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