Faith Healers Had to Postpone an Event Due to the Coronavirus March 17, 2020

Faith Healers Had to Postpone an Event Due to the Coronavirus

You’re going to need a new irony meter after this one: A gathering of faith-healers has been delayed due to COVID-19.

Back in 2018, we posted about a new $160-$200 million complex that was being built in Mission Valley, California. The Legacy International Center would be a resort and conference center, complete with a replica of the Wailing Wall, led by evangelist Morris Cerullo.

That building is now complete and it was set to open to the public in early April with a giant weeklong celebration that brought together preachers like Kenneth Copeland, Perry Stone, and Benny Hinn. (And, for some reason, Joel Osteen.)

But wouldn’t you know it: The opening has been postponed due to the coronavirus crisis:

Legacy will postpone its worldwide event, scheduled for March 31-April 5, featuring renowned speakers Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Tommy Barnett, Sid Roth, Christian Harfouche, Marcus Lamb and Robert Stearns, plus many others.

Dr. Cerullo announced the decision as an act of support for efforts by governmental leaders, schools, universities and other facilities in response to the current worldwide health situation.

He didn’t say they were postponed because they had to be; rather, it was a magnanimous gesture.

The irony, of course, is that those three preachers I mentioned earlier are well known to readers of this site for claiming to have the God-given ability to faith-heal or perform supernatural feats.

Just last week, Copeland was asking viewers to touch their TV sets to cure coronavirus. Stone was bragging about destroying a tornado. And Hinn is notorious for touching people’s foreheads as if he’s bestowing a miracle upon them.

Somehow, they can eradicate any disease… except COVID-19.

God is no match for a public health crisis, I guess.

(via Pulpit & Pen)

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