Dave Daubenmire: I Went to a Zoo and Saw How Interracial Marriage Is Wrong December 25, 2019

Dave Daubenmire: I Went to a Zoo and Saw How Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Proving yet again that right-wing commentators who wrap themselves in religion have plenty of other problematic beliefs as well, Dave Daubenmire said on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast yesterday that he went to the zoo with his daughter… and therefore he still opposes interracial marriage.

You don’t see eagles marrying buzzards, do you? You don’t see it happening.

… It is unbelievable, right? And it doesn’t have any idea… with your dignity as a human being…. Somebody help me out here. Maybe, I don’t know, at the zoo last night, I don’t think I saw one Oriental married to a black guy. I don’t think… that may have been… you don’t see it… you don’t see it. You don’t see it…

… Randy, I was actually even thinking last night when I was looking in the aquarium. All the different fish that are swimming in there together. But you know what, Randy? The guys who take care of the aquariums keep certain fish out of that aquarium, don’t they? Because they know if they put the wrong one in there, he’s gonna eat everybody else! So they segregate even in the aquarium. Isn’t that something?

I can’t believe I need to say this, but the reason eagles and buzzards don’t marry, and the reason “certain fish” are kept away from others, is because they’re different species.

Humans with different color skin are, believe it or not, still humans.

Daubenmire doesn’t understand this because he refuses to learn a thing about science. But that won’t stop him from pontificating about why different races ought to be segregated. Like the good Christian that he is.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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