A Satanic “Yule Goat” Has Been Put Up Outside the Michigan State Capitol December 23, 2019

A Satanic “Yule Goat” Has Been Put Up Outside the Michigan State Capitol

The West Michigan chapter of The Satanic Temple has put up a Yule Goat outside the State Capitol, just in time for Christmas… and right by the Nativity scene that’s also on the property.

“With beliefs comes conflict and there’s nothing you can do about it other than go through it,” said Marr Duck, Media Liaison for The Satanic Temple.

The rules dictate that the display must come down every night, but it’ll go back up each morning this week. A Merry Christmas to all!

Maybe the more amusing story is how that Yule Goat even came to be. When Christians see this promotional video, it’ll infuriate them far more than the display’s existence next to their savior.

It’s totally NSFW. You’ve been warned.

The Baby Jesus can’t hold a candle to that.

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