Linda Harvey: LGBTQ People Can’t Celebrate Thanksgiving Since They’re Ungrateful November 27, 2019

Linda Harvey: LGBTQ People Can’t Celebrate Thanksgiving Since They’re Ungrateful

Linda Harvey, the founder of Mission: America and a Christian who thinks straight people never engage in oral or anal sex, says that LGBTQ people can’t possibly celebrate Thanksgiving because they’re not thankful for anything.

ingratitude forms a core ingredient of the “LGBT” community, the pro-abortion movement, and the left in general

The internet is replete with homosexual/transgender hostility toward parents, those who lovingly provided a home, allowance, support, and often college tuition, not to mention the child’s genetic heritage — and receive derision and scorn in return from sexually sinful or gender-deviant children.

The tears of these parents could fill a cathedral. God knows their pain.

Only straight pain matters, apparently. Harvey must have forgotten to mention the pain caused by Christian parents who torture their kids via conversion therapy or kick them out of the house over a same-sex relationship or gender identity issue.

In her mind, the only happy people in the world are the miserable wretches who spend their lives trying to force their will on everybody else. It’s a wonderful Thanksgiving for everybody except the people unlucky enough to have to sit next to people like her over the holiday.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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