This Christian Teacher Ended Her Husband’s Porn Habit… By Shooting Him Dead April 27, 2019

This Christian Teacher Ended Her Husband’s Porn Habit… By Shooting Him Dead

Oy: Some poor schmuck in Arkansas paid for porn, apparently because he didn’t know or care that oceans of it are available for free on something called the Internet. (Hey, it’s good that at least someone is paying for content, I guess.)

According to the New York Post,

Patricia Hill, 69, had asked her dearly beloved to cancel his smut subscription with the Dish Network — after she caught him watching dirty TV shows on multiple occasions.

That kind of subscription can stress the household budget, I guess; if I were Patricia, I’d be mad at my significant other too.

But her concerns weren’t primarily financial, it turns out. Rather, Patricia Hill, “a religious woman who taught Sunday school,” believed that the shack where her husband indulged in his porn habit had been taken over by the Evil One.

“She felt that the devil was in that shed,”

… explained her attorney, William O. James, Jr.

Why did Patricia Hill need an attorney?

Because when Frank Hill, her spouse, declined to give up his favorite channel, Patricia walked into the house, retrieved a pistol, returned to Satan’s modest lair, and fired a warning shot straight into Frank’s head.

James told the court that the Jesus-loving murderess

… viewed pornography as a “personal affront to her and to her god.”

The judge was unmoved, and decided that, the convict’s piety notwithstanding, she gets to spend the next 16 years in prison.

No doubt to Patricia Hill’s delight, pornography is outlawed there.

(Photo via Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office)

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