He Went from Fundamentalist Christian to Vocal Atheist. Here’s How. February 10, 2019

He Went from Fundamentalist Christian to Vocal Atheist. Here’s How.

It’s not exactly news to hear an atheist talk about his journey from fundamentalist Christianity to godlessness, but Drew McCoy (a.k.a. Genetically Modified Skeptic) does a really great job telling his story.

What’s clear in his video is how everything began to change when he finally realized he had been lied to about things like evolution. Once those dominoes began to topple, the rest fell quickly. He devoured content about science and religion. He learned how to think critically. He looked at religion from the outside rather than as a True Believer™.

I suspect many of you could tell a similar story. Feel free to share your own (brief) religious journeys in the comments.

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