Podcast Ep. 256: Trump Celebrates the “Abolition of Civil Rights” February 9, 2019

Podcast Ep. 256: Trump Celebrates the “Abolition of Civil Rights”

In our latest podcast, Jessica and I discussed the past week in politics and atheism.

We talked about:

Donald Trump accidentally praised religious leaders for achieving the “abolition of civil rights” during the National Prayer Breakfast. (1:18)

— A TN lawmaker says taxpayer-funded abortions violate the law because they’re an endorsement of the “religion” of Secular Humanism. (4:00)

— A cross washed up on a Florida beach… so of course it’s supernatural. (9:00)

— Democrats are debating “In God We Trust” when administering oaths in House subcommittees, and one decided to do away with the phrase altogether. (12:20)

— Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson says he doesn’t need health care because God made us all immortal. (16:19)

— In Arizona, the specialty “In God We Trust” license plate is funding a Christian hate group. (20:40)

Hemant is giving an atheist invocation at a county council meeting! (27:10)

— New Jersey will begin teaching LGBT history in public schools. (30:32)

— A gay atheist in Poland just launched his own political party to push back against Catholic influence. (33:06)

— Michigan’s attorney general just pulled the state out of three church/state separation lawsuits on which they were fighting for the wrong side. (36:13)

Pope Francis, for the first time, acknowledged the ongoing sexual abuse of nuns by priests. (38:35)

— A judge said a 13-year-old girl was the “aggressor” in a sexual abuse crime involving a 67-year-old man. (41:45)

— A 24/7 Dutch church service meant to protect refugees finally ended after the policy in question changed. (42:24)

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast. If you have any suggestions for people we should chat with, please leave them in the comments, too.

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(Screenshot via YouTube)

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