Pastor Rick Wiles: “If You’re Not a Christian, Then Satan Is Your Father” January 24, 2019

Pastor Rick Wiles: “If You’re Not a Christian, Then Satan Is Your Father”

Christian broadcaster Rick Wiles said on his TruNews program Tuesday that anyone who didn’t accept Jesus was, by default, a child of Satan.

The jig is up, everyone. He finally figured it out.

If you don’t serve Jesus Christ, you’re automatically Satan’s child. If you’re not a Christian, then Satan is your father. Whether you like that or not, that’s just the facts. The only way to get away from him is to renounce the works of the Devil…

I thought I knew my father. He never told me about this secret life of his. I wonder what else he didn’t tell me. But what can I do? Facts are facts.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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