After Dutch Pastors Sign Anti-LGBT Document, Atheists Launch Popular Alternative January 8, 2019

After Dutch Pastors Sign Anti-LGBT Document, Atheists Launch Popular Alternative

Just days after 250 Dutch pastors signed a translated version of the anti-LGBTQ “Nashville Statement,” a local Humanist group has earned far more signatures with their version of the document that promotes love instead of faith-based bigotry.

The document from Humanistisch Verbond stresses the freedom to love “according to your own wishes.” Here’s a roughly translated version of their 10 statements:

1. We affirm that men and women are equal.

2. We affirm that people love each other in different ways and can be attracted to each other physically. All people must be free to be who they want to be.

3. We affirm that sexuality must always be a mutually free choice.

4. We affirm that sexuality contributes to a meaningful, joyful and beautiful life.

5. We affirm that there are people who want to change gender and affirm their right to do so.

6. We deny that people should hide or renounce their sexual orientation.

7. We affirm that marriage is a choice between free people — straight and gay — who want to enter into a loving and responsible relationship with each other.

8. We affirm that there are other kinds of relationships in which people live together and care for each other.

9. We affirm that love is the most important basis for raising children. Women and men — regardless of the form of their mutual relationship — are capable of doing so.

10. We affirm that everyone is free to shape their own lives, and that there should be no direct or indirect coercion or exclusion in legislation or in social life.

According to their website, more than 15,000 people (!) have signed the document — to the point where their names haven’t even been added to the full list because there are so many to sift through. Among the signers? Several members of Parliament, which is worth noting in part because the Dutch version of the Nashville Statement also included a couple of Christian politicians.

You can add your own name to the document right here. Join the party!

At least by this one measure, secular love has wildly overwhelmed Christian hate.

(Thanks to @PKtje for the link)

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