If you’re in Chicago and walking through Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza, make sure you take some pictures next to the atheist display that just went up:
The whole thing was put up by the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s Metropolitan Chicago chapter. It includes that 8.5-foot-tall Scarlet A and a banner featuring a secular Nativity scene of sorts:
“At this season of the Winter Solstice, we celebrate the birth of the Unconquered Sun — the TRUE reason for the season. As Americans, let us also honor the birth of our Bill of Rights, which reminds us there can be no freedom OF religion, without having freedom FROM religion in government.”
It’s the sixth straight year of the group’s displays.
A similar Bill of Rights display was placed in Cook Memorial Park in Libertyville, alongside a large Nativity scene and an 8-foot-tall menorah. It’s the first year there. Finally, for the seventh straight year, there’s a Bill of Rights display in North School Park in Arlington Heights in response to religious monuments in the public square.
Will anyone complain about the inclusion? If they do, they’ll be shouting into the ether since the atheists are simply playing by the rules already laid out by the various city officials.
(Large portions of this article were published earlier)
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It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."
It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."
It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."