Sex Shop Owner Receives Threats After Putting “Dildo Nativity Scene” in Window December 18, 2016

Sex Shop Owner Receives Threats After Putting “Dildo Nativity Scene” in Window

The owner of Non Sit Peccatum, a sex shop in Spain, received multiple threats from Christians after placing a Nativity scene made of ceramic dildos in the window:


“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself,” Valdivielso recounted on his Facebook account, adding that he was subject to a barrage of insults and had to call the police.

Next the shop sign was vandalised with the word ‘pecadores’ — sinners — and the owner discovered a group calling themselves the Children of the Virgin Mary had launched a boycott on the store.

I have no problem with the boycott, but it takes a special kind of Christian to complain about the dildification of the Nativity by doing something far more (and actually) offensive.

The shop’s owner temporarily replaced the scene with a poster asking passers-by to vote on whether he should put it back. They overwhelmingly voted yes, so the dildo scene has risen again.

Conservative commenters at several news sites are responding to the controversy by saying the shop owner would never have mocked Muhammad in the same way — one of the threats said that, too — and that may very well be true. But saying the people of your faith are better than radical extremists in another is not exactly setting the bar high. And, hell, even if the shop owner put up a Muhammad dildo, the same Christians would probably complain about how he’s waging a War on Christmas by not mocking the Nativity.

(via Christian Nightmares. Image via Facebook)

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