In New Zealand, Pastafarians Can Now Get Married with the Help of a Registered Ministeroni February 27, 2016

In New Zealand, Pastafarians Can Now Get Married with the Help of a Registered Ministeroni

Two months after New Zealand ruled that representatives of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster were legally allowed to perform marriage ceremonies, we have our first official Pastafarian celebrant:


The Department of Internal Affairs has given its seal of approval to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti’s first marriage celebrant — or “ministeroni” — Karen Martyn, after the church won the right to marry people last December.

The ministeroni will donate her time, with couples only required to cover travel expenses and make a donation to the church of between $150 and $800.

As the article notes, Martyn will soon be able to “tie the gnocchi” for couples who request it. Though I have my doubts about how tasty that wedding cake will be…

(Image via Shutterstock. Thanks to Sid for the link)

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