Egyptian “Council of Churches” Will Hold Meeting This Week to Discuss How to Combat Atheism June 14, 2015

Egyptian “Council of Churches” Will Hold Meeting This Week to Discuss How to Combat Atheism

Finally — finally! — religious leaders in Egypt are going to figure out how to combat all those vicious atheists in the country:

The Council of Churches will organize a Cairo conference to “counter atheism in Egypt” June 16, Youm7 reported Tuesday.

Under the slogan of “Church Facing Atheism,” the council has invited all Egyptian churches’ patrons and priests to the conference, which will be held in the Jesuits’ Saint Family school in Cairo.

You know, considering the entire nation is home to only 866 atheists, some of whom have already been arrested, you’d think countering atheism isn’t a problem needing to be fixed… but leave it to Christians to take an actually-oppressed group and find a way to make their lives even harder.

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that “making a logical argument” doesn’t end up on their solution list.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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