Mother’s Day Threatened by Same-Sex Marriage, Claims Irish Senator; Already “Banned” in Some U.S. States March 16, 2015

Mother’s Day Threatened by Same-Sex Marriage, Claims Irish Senator; Already “Banned” in Some U.S. States

Ireland’s Fidelma Healy Eames, a socially-conservative senator, tweeted yesterday that Mother’s Day might just cease to exist if gay couples are allowed to get hitched.

Happy Mothers’ day all! Hope we can continue to celebrate it after #SSM passed. In some US states Mothers & Father’s Day banned #pcgonemad

Back in the real world, there isn’t a single state in the union where either day, or the celebration of it, has been banned.

But that’s not to say it couldn’t happen. If gay couples can get married and somehow destroy Mother’s Day, can apple pie be far behind? I’d start hoarding if I were you.


P.S.: In a follow-up tweet, Eames clarified that she was absolutely speaking the truth:

Lying not my thing. No slur intended either. #justsaying Mother’s day banned in a NY & Nova Scotia school.

Just like U.S. law and spelling, North American geography doesn’t appear to be Eames’ forte. Nova Scotia is in Canada.

A couple of years ago, one school in that province sought to substitute “Family Day” for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, because the staff didn’t want children from single-parent and other non-traditional families to feel sad or left out. Monstrous!

An Internet search turns up another school, the tony, private Rodeph Sholom Day School on New York’s Upper West Side, where the same occurred (although the school director also wanted to reclaim the respective holidays “to enhance our writing and arts programs”). That happened… 14 years ago, long before same-sex marriage appeared on the national agenda.

By the way, neither school in any sense “banned” children from making a Mother’s Day or Father’s Day card.

Maybe Eames will tweet next about an earthquake destroying Dublin, and we’ll learn that, actually, the rumble from a heavy truck caused a glass to fall and break in Glasgow. There’s just no telling what such a fertile mind might produce.

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