Christian Debater Gets Outwitted by an Eighth Grade Atheist October 15, 2014

Christian Debater Gets Outwitted by an Eighth Grade Atheist

Regular readers of this site are undoubtedly familiar with Chad by now. He’s the young atheist who has flummoxed a number of Christian debaters.

Chad’s in eighth grade now and is still at the top of his game. In a recent debate between atheist Bernie Dehler and Christian Ben Clifton, Chad challenged Ben on why God bothers interfering in our lives if He already knows what will happen in the future. He goes on to ask about the fates of those who’ve never heard of Jesus (like people in North Korea).

The part beginning at the 2:22 mark is fantastic 🙂 Just wait for Chad’s response at 3:00.

(from L to R) Chad, Ben Clifton, Bernie Dehler

Go, Chad, go!

(Portions of this post have been edited)

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