I’m still amused every time someone gets in the news for wearing a colander on his head (and it’s always a “he”) in order to highlight the concessions made to religious people.
Austrian Niko Alm first did it in 2011:
Eddie Castillo did something similar in Texas in 2013.
Also last year, Pomfret (New York) Town Board member Christopher Schaeffer wore one when he took his oath of office:
And this week, in New Zealand, a man named Russell proudly proclaimed his membership in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster when his driver’s license picture went viral online:
At least he’s an organ donor. (Gotta love the penne-creas.)
He spoke about his decision with TV host John Campbell:
“I am complying in every respect to the New Zealand law, specifically concerning driver licences,” says Russell. “And I am simply claiming the same privileges awarded to those who claim to believe in a magic man in the sky. They can wear religious headwear.“
And, of course, if you’re religious, your beliefs must be respected… even if they make as much sense as having to wear a colander on your head.
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