These Cleverly-Designed Billboards Would Preach the Bible Right Back at Christians January 24, 2014

These Cleverly-Designed Billboards Would Preach the Bible Right Back at Christians

Remember the Awkward Moments (Not Found In Your Average) Children’s Bible? It’s a book documenting little-known verses from the Bible that few Christians would ever want to admit are in there:

The anonymous authors are now trying to raise money to purchase a series of billboards to “preach back” at Christians. The designs are fantastic — the only question is whether billboard companies would be willing to put them up. But just check out the signs you could be seeing in Kansas, South Carolina, Texas, and several other locations in the Bible Belt:

You can make this happen by chipping in. The authors are already close to reaching their goal, but any additional money will just help them purchase more ads.

(Thanks to Dave for the link!)

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