Indiana Residents Are Furious That Satanists Are Picking Up Trash on the Highway September 13, 2018

Indiana Residents Are Furious That Satanists Are Picking Up Trash on the Highway

Two months ago, The Satanic Temple’s Indiana chapter, having just been accepted into the state’s Adopt-a-Highway program, completed their first clean-up event. They’ve done a second clean-up since then. In short, the Satanists are really making that stretch of highway in rural Zionsville a nice place to drive.

So naturally, locals are furious.

That’s not enough to win over Jill Konija, whose property line is just a few feet from one of the signs.

“We’re obviously believers in God,” Konija said. “It’s like advertising a Satanic church in front of our home.”

Mary Rosswurm, who lives across the street, said she’s concerned about the sign affecting her property value.

“There could maybe only be one other sign that’s worse that that to have up from your house,” Rosswurm said. “Which would be the KKK (Ku Klux Klan).”

Because when it comes to the spectrum of good and evil, the latter includes the people who lynched African-Americans in acts of domestic terrorism… as well as people whose idea of activism is picking up trash from the side of the road. (How dare they?!)

The Satanists don’t actually believe in Satan, of course, and they have no affinity with groups who promote racism. Which led to this incredible statement from the chapter’s head Damien Blackmoor in a local news broadcast:

“We’re not out here sacrificing babies,” Blackmoor said.

Thank you for clearing that up.

At least the government isn’t budging on this one. The Satanic Temple met all the qualifications to take part in the Adopt-a-Highway program and they’re upholding their end of the deal. It’s the Christians who aren’t cleaning up the road who have the audacity to complain. As if other people picking up after them is another form of Christian persecution.

If you’re in the area, you can join the Satanist group here. You’ll be able to beautify the community while getting called names in the media. What could be better than that?

(Screenshot via WISH-TV)

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