Religious Groups Conceal Abuse by Controlling Believers. Here’s How They Do It. September 3, 2018

Religious Groups Conceal Abuse by Controlling Believers. Here’s How They Do It.

YouTuber TheraminTrees’ latest video is a long one, but it couldn’t be more timely.

It’s all about how abuse thrives in religious environments, including how leaders help cover it up. Maybe the most disturbing thing about it is that he doesn’t even talk about the Catholic Church in any depth. (Too easy, I guess.)

Instead, he covers the disturbing cult run by a man named David Berg as well as the policies of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

These two screenshots from the video give you an idea of what the video covers:

It’s truly scary how manipulative these religious leaders can be and how much power they have over the lives of believers.

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